Outbound Call Analytics - Taxi

RedRoute's Outbound Call Analytics gives you a near-real-time, easy-to-follow, high-level summary of how we are supporting outbound reach-outs (callouts) to your customers.

The following filters can be applied:

  1. Time: based on the start time (in your local timezone) of calls. This can also be used to set a specific date range.
  2. Fleet: filter by 1 or more of your individual fleets.
  3. Call Language: calls in English or Spanish.

Total Outbound Calls

The top row includes the total number of outbound calls, and the number / rate of:

  1. Automated: Automated calls are calls that didn't require an operator to speak with a caller. They consist of:
    1. Successfully handled calls by RedRoute
    2. Hangups
    3. Direct-to-driver connections
  2. Forward to operator: Calls that were serviced by RedRoute and required an operator to complete the callers request.

Outbound Call Breakdown

The top-right tile includes the number of automated and operator calls for the callouts that you have turned on:

Individual Callout Breakdown

Pie charts show breakdowns of the outcomes for each callout that you have turned on. If there is a callout that you don't have turned on or is not available through your API Provide, then it will display 'No results'.

The callouts that RedRoute offers are:

  1. Late Callout: informs your customer that their taxi is running late. Great for preventing no shows.
  2. Driver Arrived Callout: informs your customer that their driver has arrived at the pickup location they provided.
  3. Driver Assigned Callout: informs your customer that a driver has been found for their trip and is on their way.
  4. Reservation Callout: reminds your customer of their trip reservation for the following day.
  5. No Show Callout: informs your customer that the driver can't locate them and wants to know if they still want to be picked up.
  6. Predictive Callout: informs your customer of an estimated time that their taxi will arrive.

Each pie chart shows a breakdown of the following outcomes for callouts:

  1. Confirmation: customer confirms that they still want to be picked up.
  2. Cancel Ride: customer wants to cancel their trip.
  3. Voicemail: customer doesn't answer the phone.